v0.2.3 is now available

Content management for content people

Bebop is an opinionated and open source CMS built for content campaigns. Write once, publish everywhere, and track everything.

Why Choose Bebop?

Developer First

Built with TypeScript and React, Bebop integrates seamlessly with your modern development workflow.


Create custom plugins and extend functionality with a powerful, well-documented API.

Lightning Fast

Optimized for speed with static site generation and incremental builds.


Keep full control of your data by hosting Bebop on your own infrastructure.

Community Feedback

"Bebop's developer experience is fantastic. We've been building our custom workflow on top of the alpha and love it already."

Sarah Choo

Sarah Choo

Open Source Contributor

"Happy there's finally a CMS that caters to content strategies using external content sites, community blogs, social media APIs, etc."

Liam Miller

Liam Miller

Content Strategist

How to Get Started

Clone & Configure

Fork the repository and customize Bebop for your needs.

git clone https://github.com/ddri/bebop


Deploy to your preferred hosting platform in minutes.

npm run deploy

Join Our Community

Bebop is built by content people for content people. Contribute, share ideas, and help shape the future of content management.